Callie McWilliams

Nov 29, 2017

The Season of Happiness

Updated: Dec 27, 2018


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where [I] am going you know the way.”

~John 14:1-4

One of my favorite quotes is, “Happy girls are the prettiest” by Audrey Hepburn, which I’m sure I’ve told you all before. The key word for me in this quote is “happiest”, and I’d like to think that I strive to be happy as much as I possibly can.

But sometimes, people can really bring down my happiness. I’m fairly certain that they don’t mean to do so, but when I’m in a good mood and someone else is being negative, it’s super hard to keep the positivity alive. At times, I even feel as though I’m being shamed for my happiness because others don’t feel it themselves. And let me tell you—nothing is more disheartening to me than to feel like my happiness isn’t allowed simply because someone else isn’t happy at the same time.

When this happens, I tell myself to be sensitive to what other people may be going through. I’d like to think that I’m also an empathetic person (at least occasionally), so letting them sit in their bitter mood is just what they need at the moment until they get over whatever is bothering them.

But that’s not always the case; sometimes people are negative because they’re just being negative. There’s no rhyme or reason for them to be negative—they just are. And still my happiness gets pushed under the rug so that I don’t annoy them further.

This got me thinking: Why isn’t happiness tolerated more in our world? We talk all the time about unfortunate events and terrible situations, but rarely do we discuss what was wonderful about the day or ways to live happier lives. And that is such a disappointment to me; if I’m in a happy mood, why do others find it necessary to tear me down to their angry level? Granted, I probably do the same thing to others!

Let me ask you my sisters: Is there something you are happy about? Did your class get canceled, giving you a little bit of extra time in the day? Did you receive a letter from an friend you don’t see often? Did you get some much-needed sleep? And if those things make you happy, did you share that joy with others?

Ladies, we are in the season of giving, the season of joy, and the season of happiness! The birth of our Lord is approaching, and we continuously need to shout with excitement about this momentous occasion! Even when others don’t get it or don’t want to get it, we need to be happy, now more than ever.

So are you willing to forget about the bitterness and be happy? Are you ready to see the Lord’s coming through a joyful lens instead of an angry one?

Don’t let others spoil this holiday for us. Our King is about to be born—let’s give Him the celebration that He deserves!

Your Laughing Sister,


Check out the HAPPINESS quotes page for more inspiration!
