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New School Year Resolutions


"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

~2 Timothy 3:16-17

Another summer has come and gone, my sisters. If you are in college, you'll find yourself moving back to school and beginning a new year with friends and hard work. If you are in high school, you probably still have a couple more weeks of summer vacation--and I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous if that's the case!

But even though summer may be almost over, our work for the Lord has barely begun. A new school year is a good way to mark a new resolution to spread God's Word to those around us, something that many of us seem to forget when it's summertime.

That being said, I have some resolutions I'd like you all to consider for this new school year:

1. Pray frequently and with dedication. God will always dedicate his time to us, and that means we should put some time aside for him. You'll likely have a new routine to get used to this school year, so why not make prayer a part of that routine?

2. Understand that you're going to have bad days; that doesn't make it a bad life. Adjusting to school again is going to be tough, and especially in the beginning, you're going to have some rough days. There is a difference, however, between having bad days and having a bad life. Technically speaking, it could never be a bad life because God created it for you, and everything he creates is good. So distinguish between those bad days and good days, and move forward from them.

3. Open yourself up to being uncomfortable. We're called to be uncomfortable for the sake of our Lord, and in the world we live in today, it's going to happen more times than not. If we are truly determined to follow God and his ways, we better be prepared and open to feeling out of place. And by no means is this a bad thing: This is what we are called to do. This is giving the glory to God.

This week, I offer up a prayer for each and every one of you as you go into the new school year. I pray that you are all given strength in good times and in bad, courage when asked to stand up for the Lord, and peace in the comfort only he can bring.

Happy 2017-2018 school year!

Your Laughing Sister,


Check out the BEING GODLY WOMEN quotes page for more inspiration!


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I'm a native Michigander and fierce city gal. Armed with my Bible and favorite pair of jeans, my passion is to help young women and girls connect with God through a courageous and faith-filled life. I also love photography, reading, and archery competitions with

my husband, Thomas.

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