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Spiritual Bucket List


“And receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.”

~1 John 3:22

I find it fascinating to hear what people have on their bucket lists; I hear a lot of people want to go skydiving or bungee jumping (or both), climb Machu Picchu, and own their own business. These all sound appealing and exciting, since they are things a person wouldn’t do on a normal day. No—they take time, planning, commitment, hard work, and determination to make them happen. Bucket lists aren’t to-do lists: They are reserved for special goals, achievements, and desires that we know we must accomplish before we die.

I actually wrote down my bucket list (a total of 57 items—don’t judge), and I was recently going over it to see if I had accomplished anything on it. As I was going through it though, I realized that I don’t have a lot of bucket list items that will draw me closer to God. Wow, I thought to myself, isn’t my ultimate goal to have a close relationship with the Lord so that I can be with Him in Heaven one day? If I’m not actively taking steps to achieve eternal life, then what am I doing with my life?

So here’s a new idea: What if we had Spiritual Bucket Lists? These can be formatted the same way we would write a regular bucket list—just have it centered around your spiritual, theological, and faith-based goals. Maybe someone has already started this, but if not, let’s spread the word and start it now. Here’s the start of mine:

1. Experience Mass at a new church one weekend/weekday.

2. Throw an All Saints Day party for my church friends and I.

3. Teach Catechism to young Catholics.

4. Read every book of the Bible.

5. Turn this blog (SheCanLaugh) into something bigger for Catholic girls.

Having these goals written down helps inspire me to actually work to get these things done, and if it does the same for you, I encourage you to write down your Spiritual Bucket List too. I’ve always been a list-maker, but taking the time to seriously consider where you want your relationship with God to go is important. Think about it, pray about it, and then go out and do it!

Your Laughing Sister,


What’s on your Spiritual Bucket List? Put it in the comments below!


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I'm a native Michigander and fierce city gal. Armed with my Bible and favorite pair of jeans, my passion is to help young women and girls connect with God through a courageous and faith-filled life. I also love photography, reading, and archery competitions with

my husband, Thomas.

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