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The Storm of Yesterday


"In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."

~1 Thessalonians 5:18

Yesterday was an interesting and busy day to say the least. Both work and school brought about more stress than normal, and it didn’t help that the day was a long one.

So by the time I finally got in my car to drive back to my apartment, I was so mentally and physically exhausted, and frustrated at the day’s events, that I started complaining to God about it all.

Now I’ll be the first to say that venting to someone can be very therapeutic, but oftentimes we overlook just how much venting we’re doing. Halfway through my rant to God, I realized that I shouldn’t be complaining; on the contrary, I should be thanking the Lord for the day he blessed me with. After all, the day had been sunny, warm, filled with the beautiful fall colors, and several things that had gone well. And there I was, choosing to remember only the bad things. How ungrateful can I be?

Maybe it’s because Thanksgiving will be here before we know it, but I feel as though it is super important, particularly now, to be thankful for our lives and everything in them. The negativity has a way of drowning us into a bottomless pit of hate, and I don’t want to live there anymore. I don’t want to be angry at the little things anymore. I want to let go and live happily.

Not all days will be bright and sunny, but if we build a foundation in Christ, it won’t matter what the weather is like outside—we’ll be able to make it through the storm just the same.

So as I made my way home yesterday, I stopped my complaints and praised God for what a wonderful day of life he had given me.

And you know what? That’s how I made it through the storm of yesterday.

Your Laughing Sister,


Check out WHEN LIFE DRAGS YOU DOWN and STRENGTH quotes pages for more inspiration!


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I'm a native Michigander and fierce city gal. Armed with my Bible and favorite pair of jeans, my passion is to help young women and girls connect with God through a courageous and faith-filled life. I also love photography, reading, and archery competitions with

my husband, Thomas.

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